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24th July: International Self-care Day

24th July: International Self-care Day

Editor: Dr. Praful B. Godkar (Ph.D)
Eminent Author, Medical Biochemist and Scientist Educational and Technical consultant.
AGD Biomedicals (Pvt) LTD. Andheri East, Mumbai.

Self-care includes daily management of balanced diet, avoidance of unhealthy foods, restricted intake of alcohol, tobacco avoidance, safe drinking water, and defined moderate or vigorous physical activity (Ref. Answer of Q1). Daily self-care test monitoring for adults (Ref. Answers of Q.2, 3, 4) could be useful for the early detection of hypertension, anemia, diabetes mellitus, cardiovascular diseases, renal disease, thyroid disorders, liver disease and cancer. Daily self-care monitoring will indicate, whether, clinical laboratory tests (Ref. Answer of Q.5) or radiological tests are required for the diagnosis of a specific suspected disease. Daily self-care monitoring will be useful for any individual to prevent and control life-style diseases and remain reasonably fit and active.

Q1. What are the observations and recommendations of latest global health reports, which suggest emphasis on self-care?

ANS: According to the Lancet global health report (2022), one in two Indian adults is unfit and inactive. About 52% of women were found to be inactive and 38% male were found to be inactive. There is a dramatic increase in physical inactivity (silent killer) among Indian adults from 22% in 2000 to 45% in 2022. Physical inactivity may lead to a risk of developing life-style diseases. WHO recommends 150 minutes of moderate intensity or 75 minutes of vigorous intensity physical activity per week to prevent life-style diseases.Similarly, according to National program for prevention and control of Cancer, Diabetes, Cardiovascular diseases and Stroke (NPCDCS), every 10% increase in mortality due to the life-style diseases will result in a 0.5% reduction in annual national economic growth.

Q2. What are the daily self-care tests suggested for adults?

ANS: The following are the suggested general daily self-care tests:

  1. Pulse rate
  2. Observation of early morning urine (By collecting in a bottle): Color (keeping in mind intake of colored drugs and foods) and quantity,
  3. Color and formation of feces,
  4. Presence of mouth ulcers (if non-healing),
  5. Checking for any chronic bleeding episodes,
  6. Checking for any specific chronic pain in any part of the body,
  7. Keeping track of acidity episodes,
  8. Noting frequency of urination during night hours (if any?),
  9. Keeping track of bowel movements (normal or any change?),
  10. Noting temperature in case of episodes of fever at night.

Q3. What are the daily additional self-care tests for female?

ANS: The following are suggested additional daily self-care tests for female:

  1. Checking for lump in the breast, arm pits and nipple inversion
  2. Checking for size, color and texture of breast skin.

Q4. What are the other self-care tests recommended for adults per week?

  1. Checking and noting of weight, waist size and maintaing Body Mass Index (BMI) between 18-25
  2. Checking and noting Blood pressure (BP) per week (Electronic weighing and BP machines are available in medical shops at affordable cost).

Q5. What are the self-care blood tests recommended for adults every year?

ANS: Routine examination of CBC (Complete hemogram), urine and feces (for occult blood and parasites particularly), ESR (or C-reactive protein), Blood sugar fasting, Glycosylated hemoglobin (HbA1C), serum TSH, SGPT, creatinine, serum total cholesterol, serum total proteins and albumin, serum calcium and inorganic phosphorus.

Q6. What are the other self-care tests recommended for young adult females after every 3-5 years?

  1. Mammography and
  2. Pap smear (cervical smear) test.

Q7. For the patients mainly suffering from diabetes, anemia, thyroid disorders, polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), hypertension, etc., what additional self-care precautions are needed?

ANS: These patients should strictly adhere to the treatment regime and instructions given by the physician with respect mainly to the following aspects: Regular intake of prescribed drugs, regular follow up of clinical laboratory tests, restrictions in intake of specific food types, following advised life-styles, and exercise regimes, etc. At no stage patients should take their own decisions in monitoring the related clinical conditions.

Q8. What are the consequences of ignoring self-care tests?

ANS: If self-care tests are ignored, soon the individuals may find themselves suffering from life-style diseases, such as obesity, type-2 diabetes mellitus, anemia, cardiovascular diseases, kidney disease, liver disease, thyroid disorders, bone disorders, gastric and intestinal ulcers, etc.

Q9. How an individual can confirm the reliability of laboratory tests?

ANS: Advanced clinical laboratory technology backed by automation and stringent quality control measures ensure accuracy and precision in laboratory testing, which are monitored by the pathologist and the reports obtained are reliable. The reliable reported values of various laboratory tests correlate very well, and confirmed by the physician who directs the patient for laboratory tests.


  1. Lancet global health report (2000-2022).
  2. Lorraine S Evangelista 1, Mary Ann Shinnick. What do we know about adherence and self-care? J Cardiovasc Nurs, (200 May-Jun;23(3):250-7.
  3. Meaghan E Coyle 1, Karen Francis, Ysanne Chapman, Self-management activities in diabetes care: a systematic review. Aust Health Rev (2013), Sep;37(4):513-22.
  4. Knowledge, attitudes, and practices related to breast cancer screening among female health care professionals: A cross sectional study, Humariya Heena 1, Sajid Durrani 2, Muhammad Riaz 3, Isamme AlFayyad 4, Rabeena Tabasim 5, Gazi Parvez 6, Amani Abu- Shaheen 4. BMC Womens Health (2019) Oct 22;19(1):122.
  5. Godkar PB, Godkar Medical Biochemistry, Theory and Practicals (1st edition, 2024), CBS Publishers, New Delhi,India.
  6. Godkar PB, Godkar DP. Text book of Medical laboratory technology (4th edition, 2024), Bhlani Publishers, India.

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